Completing the form.

Please make sure you complete all mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk *).

If you have any difficulties in filling out this form, or any enquiries about the complaints process prior to completing the form, and would like to discuss it please call 00 350 200 51654.

If you would like someone to act on your behalf (perhaps a friend or relative) please provide their details under additional details.

Your details (complainant)
Police Officer details

WHO? Please give us any details you might have about the police officer(s) you would like to make a complaint against:

Police Officer details:

Your complaint details

Where did the incident(s) happen that led to your complaint? Please be as specific as possible.


When did the incident(s) happen that led to your complaint? If more than one date, please specify when the incidents occurred below.

Time Period

Or indicate the time period when the incident occurred.

Additional Details
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